This week I was slapped in the face with my white privilege. I consider myself a “racially” conscious individual. I grew up in an all-white community but I have always been fascinated with other cultures. There’s more to that story but the short version is that I’ve worked with diverse populations of students and adults for years now. When I first began reading about white privilege, it made perfect sense to me. I try to always be conscious of it. For example, a couple of years ago, I was walkingRead More
Teaching is a hard job. It’s hard to be faced with 25 – 30 or even more students every class period for 7, 45-minute time slots. Sometimes the kids are in and out of your room so fast and the day is so busy that you don’t have any quality conversations with students. With so many kids in and out of your room, you really only build relationships with a handful. Alternative education is a bit different. You work with a much smaller group of students. You are responsible forRead More
“Summer” has come and gone… Texas we will still be experiencing weeks of summer temperatures (although we are currently having cooler temps from Hurricane Harvey) but I’m not really talking about the season. I’m talking about the mindset….I love the term “dog days of summer” (which started about as some sort of reference to stars but I’m no astrologist) because my favorite thing to do is pile up with the dogs and a book….a tangible version or eBook, I’m not picky! So in remembrance of those joyful days spent byRead More
Not to be boastful but it takes great talent to completely delete all of your WordPress settings! I will be up and running again soon…hopefully!